I recently hit the end of a yard sale when the seller was ready to get rid of everything and picked up five yards of this Curious George fabric for $1.00. Yes, that's right, 20 cents a yard! At the time I envisioned it as a backing fabric for a baby quilt. I'm not sure what colors to make the quilt top from. Any ideas? It would definitely be a baby boy's quilt.
Oh my goodness.... what a find! I would have loved it!!! The fabric would make a great backing fabric... I wonder if the prints are large enough to make a center square for another block... like your log cabin blocks and the little monkey, etc. could be playing peekaboo from the center. Oh what a find!!!
Oh, I love Curious George! I'm not a scrap quilter(would like to learn though), but I think the yellows figure prominently with C.G. - banana yellow and brick red.
I would use a simple Monkey Wrench of yellow and red and yellow and gree, and yellow and brown.
You got a real deal on the fabric. Good luck with it.
If there is any left over a small pillow made from the fabric would be really cute. Blessings Roxie Meiske
Thanks Penny, Alexandra and Roxie! I appreciate your input. Roxie, I will look up the monkey wrench pattern. It sounds like a great block to go with the monkey in the fabric.
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