Yesterday when I was thinking about this, I imagined my grandmother looking over my shoulder while I worked on it. I'm sure she would approve of anything I come up with, to tell you the truth. She loved so many of the same things that I do..... quilting, gardening, cooking, home life.....
This is a picture of the whole quilt top on a bed.

These are close ups of some of the fabric. Can you see the little Chinese men?

This quilting project is on my 2009 Sewing To Do List, so I better get busy on it or it will be rolled over to my 2010 Sewing To Do List!
Since this is a vintage quilt, if you are up to it, I would consider hand-quilting at least some of it, maybe machine in the ditch to hold it together then accent with hand.
Well, I have to agree that my baby is cute :) Thanks for swinging by! If you don't mind, I may be asking questions...I have made a few (well, started a few) quilts, so sometimes I have questions. I hope you don't mind!
Have a great day! I'll be back soon!
I love this quilt. The fabric reminds me of Amy Butler...
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