Blocks, blocks, blocks.... they are everywhere!!!
Over the weekend, I finished the 72 blocks needed for "Early Autumn" and here they are arranged on the bed, aka, the design wall:

Every time I make a quilt, by the time I move them from the bed or floor to the sewing machine, ironing board and then back to the floor or bed, the rows gets turned around and/or upside down. This time I devised a method for keeping them straight.
I worked on sewing two rows of blocks together at the time, so I put one safety pin in the top of the middle block in the first row and two safety pins in the top of the middle block in the second row. This way I always knew which was the top and which order they were to be sewn in. After I sewed all the individual blocks together in a row and then sewed the two rows together, I would go get the next two rows, marking them with more safety pins.
If you look closely, you can see the safety pins in these blocks.

Blocks pinned and ready to be sewn together:

My plan for the week was to work on sewing the borders on the quilt top every night after work and I've been able to sew the first inner 1 inch black border on and three sides of the second inner 3 inch brown border. I hope to sew the remaining brown border on and then the outside pink 6 inch border before the end of the week.
Here is the quilt in the process of having a border pinned on.

I followed the directions in all my books for putting the borders on this quilt. You know, the part that says to measure the quilt through the middle, place a pin where the two edges and center are, cut the border a little longer that that size and then sew the border on the ends. If the border doesn't fit exactly, you are supposed to "ease" it on. This is supposed to prevent that wavy look you sometimes get with borders. So far, so good. Every time I see that part about easing the border on, I remember that song, "Ease on Down, ease on down, ease on down the Road" :o)
I even put a couple of rows of the quilt top on the table to see how it would look for a table runner. I'm not too sure I like this pattern for a table runner.

I REALLY hope be able to start free motion machine quilting this quilt this weekend, but we will see!
Beautiful.... I hope this one is for ME! LOL I have had a bad experience with wavy borders before too. Thanks for the advice!
Golly, Debbie. Your "after work" and "before work" activities make me tired! You are just amazing. This autumn quilt will be so very special. I am anxious to see it after you have done the quilting.
I love this quilt! The center dark squares really anchor the blocks and tie them all together.
Your quilt looks awesome. I too wish I could be retired now. So much I want to be doing at home. But can't afford to not work. Sigh...Someday. With this economy I sometimes wonder though. I treasure my at home Saturdays when I get one.
Good luck finishing your quilt!
Your quilt is beautiful already! I love it. It will be a treasure for many years, I am sure.
Thanks for the tips :)
I have to get myself convinced that this year is the year I'm making a quilt for my bed!
Have a great day :)
Wow! I cant believe you are so far along already with this one! It's so pretty!
Hi Debbie, it me again! (Sarah) lol
I've not been quilting for very long...I completed my first quilt and gave it to my oldest daughter on her birthday 11/27/10. I've totally missed the thing you were referring to with the borders. Yeah I so totally see the wavy border but didn't know what happened. I'll be searching this out! Thanks :o)
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