Here are my projects in progress for the first week of January, 2012:
1. The grandma quilt. I started back handquilting on it last weekend. This project has been hanging around my house for a couple of years, not to mention the 50 or 60 years it hung around Grandma and Mama's house!
The quilting doesn't show up too well in pictures so I took several in the early morning sunlight hoping to capture it.
My goal is to quilt at least 15 minutes a day. Over time this will add up.

2. Jacob's Ladder Quilt Along:
I've finished 26 blocks and trying to do a few blocks every week. Here are a couple of blocks:

3. Quilter's Block of the Month Christmas quilt. Here are the first 4 blocks.

These two haven't been started yet:
4. A baby boy quilt. My cousin who already has a set of twin girls about 2 years old is expecting a baby boy (just one this time) in March and I plan to make a baby quilt for her. The stacked coins pattern is my go to pattern for baby quilts. I think I've made 4 girl quilts in that pattern and am looking forward to using some of my blue fabric for this one.
5. I'm also thinking of a college graduation gift that will be needed in May! Just thought about this this A.M.!