Monday, August 10, 2015

Watermelon Quilt

This is a quilt I recently finished for a friend.  She bought the fabric and asked me make it. 

The fabric had the panels printed on it and the borders were printed on both sides.  I had to cut the borders off and then sew them back on in the right places. 

I had two panels left over, so I made two matching 18 inch square pillows.

These pictures don't do this quilt justice.  It turned out to be beautiful.

Sunday, August 9, 2015


I'm very pleased to have made some great progress on this quilt. I finished pin basting it and have machine quilted about two bobbins worth!

My plan is to quilt as much as I can this week before and after work.  It would be wonderful to finish the quilting this week and do the binding next weekend.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Church Ladies Quilt

I was asked to machine quilt a quilt top donated to the ladies group at my church, which will be one item auctioned off at our annual harvest day.   I was more than happy to do this. My only concern was that I do a good job and give this top the quilting it deserves!  I think this is an Irish Chain variation, but I've never seen quite the exact pattern before.  The piecing is very precise!  I like the color combinations also.

So today I will start pin basting it.  I have asked for the Lord's help in this, and I will do my best.

I thought it would be nice to find a Bible Verse to read and think about while working on this quilt.  My hubby and I try to read a daily devotion every day, but some times we miss days and we don't usually do it on the weekends.  So we are on June 15th at this point.  I decided to see what the devotion for today's date would have been, had we not gotten behind. 

It's Perfect!  I can't write the whole thing on here, but the devotion for August 8th is based on 1 Corinthians 12:7, and is entitled, "Gifts by Design".   Here are a few lines:

"The father has endowed you with distinctive gifts and talents to fulfill your special role in edifying the body of Christ.  The Lord does this, not only to bless others and glorify His name, but to help you feel accepted, needed, and worthwhile by making you an integral part of His work."

"So honor your heavenly Father by surrendering yourself to His plan and exercising your gifts in the service of other believers.  It was the path you were created for and how you'll experience the depth of His joy, peace, and fulfillment".

"Father, thank You for the gifts You've given me and the wornderful plan you have for my life.  Help me serve You faithfully, amen."

"In His presence..... exercise the gifts He has given you."

I never thought about my ability to quilt being a gift from God.  But, if I have any talent, I surely don't take credit for it!  None, what so ever!

So I will Press On!    (Philippians  3:14)