I have been concentrating on the hand quilting of the vintage "Grandma" quilt top that I've been working on for ages. I really want to finish it so I've put it at the top of my current project to do list.
For Friday Night Sew In I continued on hand quilting the Baptist Fans. The fabric in the quilt top is unpredictable as far as how easy or hard it is to quilt. Some of the fabrics have such a tight weave that its almost impossible to get the needle through it which means doing one stitch at a time. Other fabrics have a loose weave and are easy to stack several stitches on the needle. It doesn't make sense to me because the very same printed fabrics will act differently. I suppose it is because the fabrics may have come from many sources such as feed sacks, flour sacks, clothing, sheets or scraps and so the fabrics are different even though they have the same print?
Almost every day this week after getting home from work and having supper I settled in to hand quilting while the rains came. One night we got 3 inches of rain, so the outside looked like this. Good quilting weather!

This post is linked to Friday Night Sew In at Handmade by Heidi