Friday, February 3, 2012

High Tech, It Is Not!

Its not very high tech, but it works to keep my blocks and rows in the right place.

Row 4, Block 1

.....Scraps of paper with numbers written on them, paper clipped to the tops of each block. After sewing the blocks together in a row I take them off and use them on the next row.

So far, no mistakes.


  1. My mother always said, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." LOL The old-fashioned way of pencil and paper still works!

  2. Whatever works best.
    At least you won't have something sewn wrong when you finish.
    Because that's a pain....

  3. You are so organized!! I am in deep admiration of your skills as well as your dedication. It cannot be easy with the time and attention you are giving to Mama Alice.

  4. I'm so excited.... I have found another high tech person just like me.


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