Monday, January 16, 2012

Quilting Surprises

What a nice surprise I received in the mail this week from Penny, a sweet blogger friend.

Three fat quarters in just the right colors for my Jacob's Ladder quilt blocks, a chicken pin cushion and some needles:

I went right to work making these blocks:

Thanks Penny!


  1. Beautiful fabrics Debbie, lovely blocks. x

  2. What lovely fabrics... and they do indeed make very nice Jacob's Ladder blocks!

    Cool pin cushion too!

  3. I'm glad you like them. I was truly thinking of Jacob's ladder when I picked out your fabric. Otherwise, I would have sent some bright and happy fabrics! The blocks are so pretty! Enjoy!

  4. That was a nice surprise and your JL blocks are looking great.

  5. Love what you did with your "squishy" surprise! Happy sewing.

  6. That was so nice, and that pin cushion is too cute! The blocks look great. :)


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